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Let me ask a question . Are you satisfied with the modern education ?

I already know the answer . I just wanted to put a draw your attention to our modern education system .we are mass producing students manufacturing them as it were .without the proper care and attention another human requires and deserves . It is painful to see how the system butchers our youth , their dreams , ideas and aspiration ,It is joke how effective our modern education system ?

There is no correlation between education and morals 

Between education and knowledge 

Between education and success 

In my opinion it is farce .A farce ingrained to produce a subservient class which does nothing but obey .

Original thoughts is ridiculous and ignored and second one creativity is discourage and open mindedness is mocked .

Even the teachers have realized that this is a just an illusion an eye wash ,a lip service . Education is not taught here ,its swallowed and then regurgitated out .school and teachers used to mean something to us back then it was called gurukul education mean life lessons things which  can use to live life . 

Industrilization and westernization has destroyed the soul of education in India which early India had . this education made into a business that manufactures robots. Robots who are skilled at only following instruction and not generating them. Robots who vomit out the answer during the soul experience at standardized testing to score 99 

Tell me what should i do with that 99 ? what does that mean ? can knowledge and aspiration even be measured and quantified ?

Some of our greatest intellectuals , businessman social activists  have been labelled failure by the system such as Sachin Tendulkar , Anil Ambani etc failed at 10th standard .

How can the system make so many mistake unless it is severely broken ?

In our modern education system there is no selection criterion ,there is only deselection criterion .If the 70 percent student is the benchmark then what wrong has the 69 percent student done ? Is the difference too significant between 69 - 70 , between 42-43 .
The gap between supply and demands are increasing as the system is descending far away from reality. But even though we have such as modern education system .There is still hope for us .we can still take action that can help us grow ,evolve and actually learn . 
If you are students or teachers who are fed up of how things are and don't know where to turn then start a change .Start a change should be within you .

Apply what you learn ? 

Learning is the process and it have many followed steps .
remembers these steps 
Experiment with different learning styles some people are visual learner other love to read while other might are to draw . you must find out how you learn ? so experiment .
Never let someone tell you that you are failure in facts its not you that has failed ,its the system for not helping you discover your inner passion and abilities . 
We should learn from own elders 
This is not a moral , it's a facts .elders have more experienced on this earth and have gathered a lot of experienced . experience is all that matters 

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